
The plans on my book are cancelled for now. I had a lot of technical issues which I will not figure out at the moment and because it is a summer/spring book, it will be published next year around that time. It's a shame that I can't give you better news but a lot of changes are on the way and my life is a bit busy at the moment.


Right now I am using the quarantine time to work on this page and do all other work at home which got not done in the last weeks and plan further for the future. My wishes are on the way to come true but it's a lot of work and for luck I have the experience for moves to other countries but nevertheless, it's work. 


So my book deserves full attention, a clear mind to do the last steps and do readings and posts to bring it out to people. "Travels and Moves" was my first book idea before I decided for ghost stories as first publication. My new life will require my energy in the first time so I don't make any further plans so far. 


My sick days give me to opportunity to read and prepare, to go through my bundle of books and still check what I want to keep and what I can release again. Through the years I learned to let go and it's necessary to move on to do the last und most desired last step in my life.


I hope to add some new poems here in the next days and keep you updated.

I have new thoughts about a youtube channel for future readings to seperate them from my instagram account and Facebook page. It all will find its place with time.


Have a blessed solstice time!

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