11. June 2024
The world can be scary when you close your eyes for a second to rest in the next you open them again and look at figures. Figures which will don't let you believe in common sense in people. After the EU elections, I am still shocked and don't want to believe how many people have voted for the far right. It's like choosing between life and death, creating your own doom and choosing a restricted life without any freedom of open borders, travelling and a system that allows you to move, work or...
29. March 2024
(c) by Ilonka Normann
This year I struggled with the transition "winter into spring". My winter was hard, it was simply a time where I was hiding from the world and a part of me still wants to go back. As a winter lover, I love snow and frosty days but sunny. I got disappointed by this mild winter and the early spring. Now I start liking it even when my allergies often stop me from the joy of walks. I walked a lot this winter, apart from sitting indoors and writing on my new book. The book was one of these...
01. January 2024
Welcome to 2024. Even when a new year, a new number, doesen't make a change for me, I have news after such a long time without a post here. I hope you all had a good start in the new year and have some nice plans. Everything is in the making and I am not forcing the process. I am working on my new book "Roots" since months. I had the first ideas already last summer but I was tired of book work and had enough to do with my book "Travels and Moves" which is also available on Amazon. I loved to...
book · 27. March 2023
After a couple of weeks hard work I finished my book project which I started already last year but I had trouble with formatting issues and decided to move on in the next year. I used the time of the flue and published the book last week on amazon. This time you will find not only poems in the book. Each poem belongs to a picture which makes it to a nice picture book as well and gives you inspiration and material to dream. It is about my travels to European countries, about cities which...
02. February 2023
"I like being an island", a quote I recently heard from Wednesday Addams, the beautiful new series from the master Tim Burton. She inspired me a lot and let me feel my gothic soul but also my distance from others. A distance I will never really shorten. Recently I lost my real home. I lost everything. This is how it feels like and I stranded without anything on an island. It was a choice, no coincidence but maybe fate again. I never understood fate really. It let me find my home in a country...
book · 03. September 2022
Dear friends, I totally forgot to inform you about the publication of my second book - Ghost Stories II. Available on Amazon worldwide and it's nowa series together with Ghost Stories, the first publication. I will inform you about special offers in October, when Ghost Stories celebrates its 1st anniversary. I hope to give you a special price for both books around Halloween. Let the dark times come! Order your copy here: Amazon.com
writing · 31. July 2022
(c) by Magical Whispers/Ilonka Normann, Ghost Stories II book cover
23. June 2022
The plans on my book are cancelled for now. I had a lot of technical issues which I will not figure out at the moment and because it is a summer/spring book, it will be published next year around that time. It's a shame that I can't give you better news but a lot of changes are on the way and my life is a bit busy at the moment. Right now I am using the quarantine time to work on this page and do all other work at home which got not done in the last weeks and plan further for the future. My...
20. April 2022
I am on an emotional journey these days. After three years not seeing my country and all these changes in between, I am in an emotional turmoil, a storm that comes over me. It's very hard to describe how it feels like to be back to Scotland. I missed it with every heartbeat and finally restrictions are lifted and I have it easier than ever to travel. Nevertheless, I see my country after Brexit, after covid times and people who are not sure where they are now and what kind of future they want...
book · 16. January 2022
I hope you had a good start in the New Year. 2022 feels strange, after two years pandemic. We could celebrate a sad anniversary. We could try to let things go. What I personally learned is, that I have to listen to myself and ignore all voices around me. The more crazy the world goes, the more I go inside. I feel not ready yet for the big action. I am still in a kind of hibernation, where everything goes slowly. My body and mind tell me the way and I follow. Nevertheless, there is new life on...

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