Posts tagged with "amazon"

book · 03. September 2022
Dear friends, I totally forgot to inform you about the publication of my second book - Ghost Stories II. Available on Amazon worldwide and it's nowa series together with Ghost Stories, the first publication. I will inform you about special offers in October, when Ghost Stories celebrates its 1st anniversary. I hope to give you a special price for both books around Halloween. Let the dark times come! Order your copy here:
writing · 31. July 2022
(c) by Magical Whispers/Ilonka Normann, Ghost Stories II book cover
book · 16. January 2022
I hope you had a good start in the New Year. 2022 feels strange, after two years pandemic. We could celebrate a sad anniversary. We could try to let things go. What I personally learned is, that I have to listen to myself and ignore all voices around me. The more crazy the world goes, the more I go inside. I feel not ready yet for the big action. I am still in a kind of hibernation, where everything goes slowly. My body and mind tell me the way and I follow. Nevertheless, there is new life on...
book · 13. November 2021
News about my first book.
book · 14. September 2021
New about the book