Posts tagged with "eu"

11. June 2024
The world can be scary when you close your eyes for a second to rest in the next you open them again and look at figures. Figures which will don't let you believe in common sense in people. After the EU elections, I am still shocked and don't want to believe how many people have voted for the far right. It's like choosing between life and death, creating your own doom and choosing a restricted life without any freedom of open borders, travelling and a system that allows you to move, work or...
18. May 2020
Some days I think we all lie in a glass coffin. We are already dead, or better our personal data, our real human identity, everything what makes us special and lovely, everything of that is dead, but visible. Individuality gets lost these days, free spirits, free thinking, own research and views. All that is often enough banned from pages, from communities, groups and even in friendships it‘s not welcome. We make ourselves transparent in filling out forms, leaving adresses, names and...