Posts tagged with "government"

18. May 2020
Some days I think we all lie in a glass coffin. We are already dead, or better our personal data, our real human identity, everything what makes us special and lovely, everything of that is dead, but visible. Individuality gets lost these days, free spirits, free thinking, own research and views. All that is often enough banned from pages, from communities, groups and even in friendships it‘s not welcome. We make ourselves transparent in filling out forms, leaving adresses, names and...
15. April 2020
As this year has started I just thought we could make the 20ies golden again. We would be on the way to a better society. Signs of hope when people protested, getting together, sharing new ideas, fighting the climate change. Mass meditations. Repair cafes. Exchanging clothes, food sharing, and at least resident‘s meetings. New movements forced society into a new thinking of taking part in any kind of political work and society issues. And all that without violence and wars. Yes, with civil...