Posts tagged with "publishing"

book · 03. September 2022
Dear friends, I totally forgot to inform you about the publication of my second book - Ghost Stories II. Available on Amazon worldwide and it's nowa series together with Ghost Stories, the first publication. I will inform you about special offers in October, when Ghost Stories celebrates its 1st anniversary. I hope to give you a special price for both books around Halloween. Let the dark times come! Order your copy here:
writing · 31. July 2022
(c) by Magical Whispers/Ilonka Normann, Ghost Stories II book cover
book · 13. November 2021
News about my first book.
book · 14. September 2021
New about the book
writing · 21. February 2021
A new year with lots of question marks. If we go in circles or we just have one new start after the other? I can't answer this. Life goes on and flowers blossoming, new life has to be celebrated, Juno appears in my thoughts. A goddess of love and light, motherhood and protection. Mother of Rome, warrior and wife of Jupiter. I dedicate this year to her, whatever comes. One year ago I decided to publish a book and collect most of my poetry of 2019 from the notes on my phone. It's quite a lot of...