Posts tagged with "writer"

book · 16. January 2022
I hope you had a good start in the New Year. 2022 feels strange, after two years pandemic. We could celebrate a sad anniversary. We could try to let things go. What I personally learned is, that I have to listen to myself and ignore all voices around me. The more crazy the world goes, the more I go inside. I feel not ready yet for the big action. I am still in a kind of hibernation, where everything goes slowly. My body and mind tell me the way and I follow. Nevertheless, there is new life on...
book · 13. November 2021
News about my first book.
book · 14. September 2021
New about the book
feelings · 17. March 2021
....are the colours I would describe the last day. I have my own concept now to give my days colours, mottos, a symbol, questions and answers and a symbol that helps me with achievements. As a writer I know about my own misuse, when I wrap every thought in words, bringing it into a poem that is maybe too personal or the expression is too direct. Many of us use poetry directly to express their feelings. Most common poetry is still about love, romance and heartbreak. People love to write and read...
29. March 2020
It's all about how you think. If you choose death or life. copyright by Magical Whispers/I. Normann, March 2020