
Ghost Stories

One of our goals as writer is to reach readers, to build up a fan community, reach people, get feedback and finally publish our writings in a book. 


As I started with poetry, I would never have imagined to go this way and  create a book but when I read other poetry, I got aware of how special it is, to publish your own book.

In 2020 and 2021, during the lockdowns and a diffcult time, I started collecting my first poems for my book "Ghost Stories". At the same time I thought about the cover and created a photo series as "zombie bride" which you can see on the book cover. 


"Ghost Stories" shows how much fake we experience when it comes to relationsships and people we love. I gave them the term "ghost" to express how invisible they are in reality but they try to give you a loveable and honest impression. Many of them are not confident and troubled souls who search for attention and use relationships without real intentions. Others are players. They use your patience, your feelings and your energy for their narcissistic personality.  Some of them scare me to hell when they appear again and hope for forgiveness and more attention when they have screwed it all up, long before.


They are ghosts because they become never real in your life. They bath you in compliments and interest, make promises they won't keep and will tell you all secrets as proof of their "trust. Some of them look real at first sight but disapppear soon. And so they get their name.


Ghost Stories has been published in October 2021 on Amazon and is still available, It is part of a poetry collection in the house of Alex Henry Foster, a musician who got my book as a gift and signed it on a gig in 2022.



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Ghost stories II

Ghost Stories II is my unexpected second book which I wrote in about four weeks in summer 2022. I never thought about a second version of this dark poetry collection because I was working on another travel/poetry book. The summer 2022 changed my mind and in these long holidays I researched my poetry collection for suitable poems. The collection became more dark romantic and so I decided to make this to my first chapter. 


Many more poems are about what happens after love fails, after a break up and all these broken dreams you shared and the heap of shards you see in front of you. It expresses the painful memories which stay, even when time takes the intensity away. Some of these experiencies are traumatic and they change our lives in a way we have never expected.  


All in all, the series expresses my dark sides and connects me to all who can connect to these stories. All who have ever loved a ghost.



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travels and moves

In 2023 it was time for a new book project. "Travels and Moves" is a travel poetry collection with 40 pictures. Poetry meets photography, words and pictures catch moments of a special journey, an arrival, a farewell and many, many different impressions.


My motivation was, to reach people all over the world who love to travel, to dream, to get inspiration. I also wanted to reach people who moved to a new country and can find themselves in the one or other written experience. Language barriers, a different culture and obstacles on our way to settle, are things every expat knows. We go through a time of adaption, organisation, orientation and new impressions. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by many new things in the same way like impressed by the beauty of places and people.


Travels and Moves shows travelling and moving from different views. Sometimes it describes a summer holiday, sometimes it describes memories, a journey to yourself, music and many connections you have to a place and people. This book is not just colourful and inspiring, it reflects a part of me as European and what I've been through in the last years.


This journey will take you away to beautiful places and let you start dreaming!



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Roots was a project of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. In summer '23 I thought about a book that shows my deepest connections to my different homes.


It was hard to bring this all together, searching and sorting poetry and let it be easy to take my readers on a deep journey. It's a journey to myself because after I lost the place where I felt home the most, I needed to go on this journey to find out where I belong, where I want to belong, what I can accept as home and what it all means to me.


Roots takes you to different directions, to various places. My homeland, which was always my "silent saviour", but a lonely place in winters and on rainy weekends. It became a different place for me after my nephew was born in 2022 and a new connection, together with a new life was built. Looking back at my childhood, the place where I was raised and played in nature, became more a home with a view through my nephew's eyes.


So I dedicated "Roos" to my nephew. In addition to all that, I wanted to take you to magical places with good energy, where I pray, manifest, work spells and meditate. Places in nature, by the sea, the forest, and at a temple. Places where I find my roots again and can take a distance from every day life.


Roots is a journey which I am still on, it is not a closed project and so there might be similar books in the future. Like in "Travels and Moves", I show you also photos of special places and some, which built a connection to my heritage, my DNA, which is also part of my book.


Roots is my deepest book so far and like all my books available on Amazon.


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