Beltane 2020

Fertility. Love. Growth. Friendship.

Where is it all gone? I never felt such a black Beltane day. Not even in times of big heartbreak or loneliness. I feel the earth dying, the mother goddess turning in her bed. A dry bed, a bed of destruction, not of love and birth giving, nurturing energies. Her power is gone.


Humans rule over her with violence and ignorance too. They forgot that she is the one they need to live. They forgot to honour and serve. To treat the earth like their habitat. They even forgot how to love.


Stormy winds are moving the trees, half dried creatures which only got rain in the last few days, not enough to feed starving roots and the earth. A time of growth turned into a time of stagnation. Stucking in rules and restrictions, unnatural "staying at home", joy, love, friendship, sex, passion, music, resistance, fight, acticity, all forbidden.


Our world turned into a sad world. I feel nature grieving too. I feel our destruction during the years, these stubborn minds of selfish people, politicians and the upper class who only care about growth in economy, in their own money, in their own pleasure.


This selfishness brought us the climate change, it created a system that feels cold, narcisstic and ignorant. This praised solidarity these days is the biggest fake Ive ever seen. It's not more than a capitulation of being your own individual. It is listening to leaders who ruin our lives, our habitat, our world. Leaders who destroy our free will, our rights and our personal lives.


It's in the air. With every wind that comes up, with this silent Beltane where I hear no birds celebrating and no goddess, moaning in pleasure. I hear and feel that this is our death or a changing point to a better society. And that's your choice.


copyright by Magical whispers/I. Normann, 30/04/2020

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