From the golden 20ies to restricted 20ies

As this year has started I just thought we could make the 20ies golden again. We would be on the way to a better society. Signs of hope when people protested, getting together, sharing new ideas, fighting the climate change. Mass meditations. Repair cafes. Exchanging clothes, food sharing, and at least resident‘s meetings. New movements forced society into a new thinking of taking part in any kind of political work and society issues.


And all that without violence and wars. Yes, with civil disobedience and protests too. That is definetly a part of reaching goals for a better society. Current governments need pressure, to be confronted with needs and environmental goals to prevent global warming, giving future generations a chance to survive in this world. All goals of movements like FFF, „Fridays for future“ or XR „Extinction Rebellion“. They are obviously gone in these days. The only little resistance build a few online protests and even those disappear in masses of Corona articles, a perfect distraction and powerful weapon against such movements who forced our governments already in an uncomfortable position. A position where they really have to act, giving up any corruption, deals with companies and lobbyism. Giving up capitalism how we know it.


This fights seems to be over now. The governments rule, take away our fundamental and human rights as residents of Europe and of the world. With or without so called rebellious movements, who worked for freedom and against a state who controls all our activities, wants to install even a „Corona app“ on our phones to check every step we do. And deletes already critical articles and videos on the internet, activate a kind of censorship most people don‘t even notice.


While newspapers make money with panic headlines and the WHO, the World Health Organisation, gives people most advices, rule the whole Corona pandemics and the governments. An organisation who is owned for the most part by no one else than former US president Bill Gates and his wife Melinda. In addition to that, many pharmaceutical companies have a stake in the WHO.


A very dubious organisation who pretends to work scientificly, but only follows the rule of the investors who will probably get a lot of money from Corona vaccinations. The logical puzzle pieces fit together in the end.


Just answers, statements and comments from these alternative movements make me hesitating about their real intentions. They obey now obviously more the governments and doing the opposite of what they promised and worked for in the last year. No sign of resitance. No sign of getting the power back we all have lost with these restrictions, as well as our rights.


Rebellionship? I would say this chapter is over.


copyright by Magical whispers/I. Normann, 15/04/2020


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