
Ghost stories

And there we are, the book is slowly on the way and has a deadline: Halloween.


I decided to give it a better publication date, one that fits to the book and to the atmosphere it creates.

"Ghost stories" will be published on the 31th October 2021, as far as there will be no complications on the way.

The book cover is done, now my editor came back to me with a heap of changes. I was aware of that.


When you are in the writing process, things are looking ok for you but you overlook easily grammar rules or typos.

You need a second reader and editor, especially in my case as a non native. I currently have the luck to work with English native speakers and so it's my opportunity to get support.


What can you expect? There will be 40 poems in this book. All are chosen from my collection from 2017 until today. Some are quite new, they have been written in this summer; some are older. Not all will be about love and heartbreak, some are memories, some are dreams and some others are moments of darkness and different topics.


All in all stuff for the dark time of the year, something familiar for people, walking the same ways and find themselves in these stories. It's not about failing or loneliness. It shows what broken promises and words can cause. It shows what we learn from all this. It also shows how we can grow and what kind of new resolutions we can get from this. 


The book will be published on Amazon as paperback worldwide.


All in all I hope it will reach your heart. It will bring you solidarity and the feeling that you are not alone in a difficult situation. There are too many ghosts around us that we often blind for the real people.


Thanks for being here!

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