


Some days I think we all lie in a glass coffin. We are already dead, or better our personal data, our real human identity, everything what makes us special and lovely, everything of that is dead, but visible.




Individuality gets lost these days, free spirits, free thinking, own research and views. All that is often enough banned from pages, from communities, groups and even in friendships it‘s not welcome. We make ourselves transparent in filling out forms, leaving adresses, names and telephone numbers in every place without questioning. Also apps want more and more data from us.




Without critical minds we would turn into a society, controlled by the governments and Silicon valley. I read a good book about digitalisation, I got more and more aware of the misuse in this crisis. For two years, they gave us a strict law that should keep our personal data save and give us also the right of information. Nothing of that has been respected by the government in the last weeks.




People who support this, will make themselves transparent, selling their souls to powerful companies and governments. Transparency ends there, where we are forced to make id checks to enter a building, to enter a social media page or using Facebook and google accounts to log in to an app. Today I made this experience again.


A government which is interested to protect their citizens should regulate the power of these companies, should really protect our data instead of forcing us to spread more of our data around.



They don‘t do. It‘s the opposite.


copyright by Magical whispers/I. Normann, 18/05/2020




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